Sunday, February 21, 2010

sharing joy

It's not easy to feel joy, especially if we do happen to be carrying crosses in our lives right now.  But today is a good time to practice joy, to act on the belief that Jesus is on this sacred path with us.  A smile, though a small thing, can be a powerful sign to others that we have faith and that we believe He can fill us with joy.  So smile a lot today.

In your joy, you offer joy to the world.  In your pain, you offer pain to the world. Esther and Jerry Hicks

You see beauty where you desire to see it.  You see ugliness where you are afraid to see beauty. Neale Donald Walsh

Forgive me, Jesus, for not tapping more often into your gift of joy.  Help me to rejoice because you are with me.  I am not alone; I do not walk by myself on this sacred path through Lent or at any other time.  Fill my heart with joy and help me to truly celebrate today just because you are here with me.  Amen.

Joy is not the same as happiness.  We can't always be happy because life by its very nature delivers difficulties and burdens as well as good things.  Joy is a deep-down gift from God that helps us to be grateful and content even when we feel pain or disappointments.  Pray for the gift of joy this Lent and try to radiate it today.  Let is shine through you in all that you do.

To the dull mind all nature is leaden.  To the illuminated mind the whole world sparkles with light. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Joys divided are increased. Josiah Gilbert Holland

There are only two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is a miracle.  Albert Einstein

Dear God, please teach me how to focus on the gifts and talents in my life, rather than on my mistakes and disappointments.  Help me to focus on the positive and to genuinely rejoice in my blessings.  May this be my message today for everyone I meet:  God has given me light and I am going to let is shine.  Amen.

joy to the world xo