Tuesday, March 1, 2011

dear mom helen

Helen and George

It has been three years on this day that you were reunited with the love of your life.  The time passed quickly, yet it seems like a long, long time since you took your last three breaths (one for each of your sons, and grandsons.)  We cherish the time you were with us in this life and hold tons of gratitude for the love you gave to our sons.  This priceless treasure of your time is instilled in them forever and they will continue your legacy with their own children.  I know you and Dad are playing with baby Dillan and in a few months we will know that joy.  I found some cute baby items, pictures of you with the boys and your beloved cruise trips, as well as some cute little notes from Wayne and Bobby.  I even found all your tax returns dating back to 1954 and a book of war stamps.  I placed them on the pink blanket that kept you warm while you were here.

As we prepared to exchange ownership on your beloved home, I discovered an immense amount of relics from your past.  I boast being an organized person, but you put me to shame with how you kept every single item in its place.   Your love for your home and family is evident in all the memories you contained in every box of your life, and Mom, you had a ton of boxes!  We will keep many of the family historical items, especially the lone trunk your Dad brought with him from Poland; it's priceless.  Mike went through all Dad's tools and will make him proud to carry on his mechanical expertise.  The new owner came by and the first thing he said was it was a lucky house - he felt it, too.  He was very impressed when Wayne mentioned all the generations that lived there for 70 years.
As we lovingly store your treasures until the boys settle in their own homes, know they will be cherished and your efforts to maintain them will have not been in vain.  Steve plans to decorate his place with most of your furniture - he loves that stuff!  Bobby is still grounded in your neighborhood and is doing beautifully thanks to Thresholds.  Now you have another cliffhanger with you, for Uncle Frank left this earth yesterday morning - he was 96! 

Keep smiling down on us and hold us in your hearts, as we do you and Bombhead. I know Wayne made you proud as he handled everything just as you requested.

  Give Dillan a smooch from me and when he is with us, I'll do the same for you.  xo