Being with our grandson Dillan is nothing less than heaven. We don't have to ponder the wondrous blessings bestowed on us when we take one look at this photo which reminds us of the joy he brings whenever he is in our arms.
As Dillan approaches his first birthday, he is ready to conquer his world by exploring all it has to offer. He loves looking at flowers and trees and knows airplanes and lights.
He mastered climbing stairs and slaps them when he reaches the top.
Dillan and Grandpa Poppie.
Not too fond of swings just yet, but if he is anything like his daddy, he will frequent the parks all the time.
He takes after his godfather, Dan, and likes to drum.
Grandpa gives him pony rides.
A truly happy mother's day for me.
Now he is an airplane.
And dancing to the Beatles.
He is just waiting to get outside and explore. He is taking his first steps and will be blazing through the rooms any day now.
Great Grandpa.
He loves the remote.
His first stop is a beeline to the guitar.
Look out world!
And I think to myself...what a wonderful world xo