Look at you ~ no longer a teenager and creating your dreams for the next leg of your journey. Your dreads are starting to take off and have taught you about patience and perseverance. Your new professional camera will enhance your creativity without bounds. Your scholastic endeavors will end with the first round and continue the final road to get one step closer to a dream come true when you realize your talents in the film and photographic world. Your keen eye captures amazing moments and now you can share this. Think of all the accolades you received from your superiors and teachers ~ the world is beginning to notice what we have known 20 years ago ~ your light is shining and you are sharing it with the world. We are proud of your accomplishments and love sharing time with you. Tonight you will bond with your buddies in our humble abode and begin the next decade which I promise will blow you away. History starts now...
happy birthday to you...whoo
happy birthday to you...whoo
happy birthday dear stevie
happy birthday to you