Here is the big shot. Dillan continues to amaze us everytime he visits with all his new explorations and discoveries in his little world. He gets cuter and cuter and I can't help smothering him with hugs and smooches all day long.
He has more belly time now and lifts his head and legs like an airplane which gives him a different perspective to his view of things. He loves looking in the mirror and smiles at his reflection.
His biggest thrill is when he covers his face with a blanket then plays peek a boo and gets extremely excited and shakes with glee. At first I freaked out thinking he will stop breathing but that is just his little game he plays. worries, Grandma Tuti...I'm just having some fun.
Another stride is how he is so close to rolling over on his own. He practices everyday and with a little nudge he switches from prone to supine and we clap and cheer him on which excites him to no end.
He must be close to 20 pounds by now and needs supplemental nurishment so his Mama started him on rice cereal and peas last week. The first time he got so mad at her with this new method of filling his belly, but after that, he looks forward to eating from a spoon.
This week the menu is squash. Margarita figures if he begins with a veggie, he will really take to sweeter fruits and still enjoy his veggies. Pretty smart, if you ask me. Back in the day, we mixed the sweet with the veggies but this way seems to make more sense. I continue to learn everyday. He explores everything orally and got acquainted with his high chair that way, too.
Dillan still loves his ba ba the best and when he sees it, or if I say the word, he whines for it with a "hurry up" kinda sound. He even knows how to hold it on his own. His best friend is still the dee dee (pacifier) and he has conquered the task of pulling it in and out of his mouth and even talks to it. So cute. He still enjoys when I read books to him and I pulled out a new one with all the Mother Goose nursery rhymes but I must say, some of them are corny or even scary so I make my own snide remarks and comments after I read them. He also likes Po ~ the Kung Foo Panda TV series. Wait until he sees all the Christmas lights and decorations. He will have endless sights to see. I keep telling him Santa is coming soon ~ HO HO HO. I don't need any presents this year as he is my eternal gift. I'm just going to put a big bow on him. xo