Today it has been two years since Helen passed on to a better life. She had so many friends and family members to welcome her. Helen had not one, but two husbands awaiting her hugs. Enough time has passed where our family can let go of the intensity of the last few years taking care of her and we find ourselves laughing out loud at the funny comments she made. Fittingly, last night's episode of Undercover Boss featured her beloved White Castle stomping ground. She was there all the time and loved that porcelain palace so much.

This was her entertainment, dining area - morning, noon and night - and home away from home that kept her in touch with the outside world. She was literally a hop, skip and a jump away. While watching this episode, we just knew they would feature the exact location she frequented and they delivered.
Nothing like a slider.
March has finally graced us with her presence. Hope for renewal has arrived. We watched Inglourious Basterds with Brad Pitt. It was quite entertaining. I read the book Precious in four hours on Saturday. That was a rough one. I don't see what all the hype is about and why they are glamorizing this storyline. The movie has already won 40 awards and the Oscars will surely follow suit for some of the categories. It is a horrible story and the book kept reiterating the tragic abuse. I understand we should embrace stories of victims overcoming their ordeal, but this was too heavy and over the top for me, anyway.
I am now reading a book written by my son which, so far, is blowing me away. He is so talented and I am glad he is utilizing his gifts in constructive and creative avenues. Good for him. I still have to read The Blind Side and Diary of a Call Girl; the latter I will save for our upcoming trip to Texas. I will continue enriching my mind with new thoughts and discoveries. As I am enlightened, I will share. xo
Prayer: Jesus, beloved and chosen of God, speak to my heart today that I might know what you are asking of me. How might I fast and pray and share from my abundance? How might I be a better person at home, at work and in all my dealings with others. Let me know, please. Amen.