Monday, October 26, 2009

that's entertainment!

Were we entertained this weekend... from watching this cute pup perform his tricks to movies both at home and the theater. We just happened upon the movie Awake and it was quite gripping and immediately afterward we watched this week's Grey's Anatomy and it was a continuation of the previous movie. We had to catch our breath after that series of intense and literally turned off the tv. Our favorite form of relaxation is watching the tube after a working day and my time is typically 7 - 9 most nights. I love to be entertained and was pleasantly satisfied the last few days. We finally saw Paranormal Activity and it was good - the couple remind me of Pam and Jim on the Office and their home in San Diego was very quaint. There were lots of bumps in the night but I really got unnerved whenever she got out of bed and just stood there for hours watching Micah. Whoa. Tonight I am going to put baby powder in front of Steve's room to freak him out tomorrow. giggle. I read the book and saw Entity many years back and this still spooks me the most, after Exorcist, of course. The highlight was watching Mad Men and I was so intrigued by this powerful episode I watched two back to back and now I have to read all the feedback blogs posted today for inside scoop. I was Don and Betty's son, Bobby's, age so I love seeing how things were in the world during my time. I also became a secretary for 25 years so I relate to the office politics. Joanie is my idol. The scariest thing to watch all in all was the Bears/Bengals game. Yuk. xo